Thursday, March 22, 2012


I know Id be more specific with my blogpost but as u know I been slippin. Work been kick ass and I been workin on my next project tryna to give y'all a crazy ass dope ass sophomore project. It started of as a basic project to prep ppl for a bigger project but I really feel in love with the the idea and I ended up makin a whole tape.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Celebrity Crush of The month

I wanted to start a lil segment where I could blog my celebrity crushes.... Some Im kinds just using this as an excuse to search for and post picture of celebrities I find attractive. So enjoy cause I enjoyed lookin for them *fap fap fap*

Rosie Perez

She deserves so much more credit because shorty mad bomb

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day?

<p>&lt;p&gt;Happy Valentine's Day ppl, me personally its a regular day but that's for various reasons but today It's not to jiggy, not because I'm single, I still had plans (drink a bottle of Mascato and watch 500 days of Summer) its just that I'm sick and I can't even finish the track I was dropping, the verses are layer down, I just need to do the hook over but my voice is so raspy and I wanna give talk some quality shit. So 16 bit romance will be dropping this weekend along with a bonus.

Stay Tuned

Monday, February 13, 2012

Valentine's Day aka SAP day

Idk what the hype is over this one specific day dat drives ppl insane, I'm not gonna be a hypocrite and say I never feed into the hype, (maybe because some self-centered bitch kicked my heart in the ass last year) but that's besides the point what I'm tryin to say is maybe you shouldn't be super romantic for only one day, I personally think it means more if u were super romantic on a random day.. Like President's Day, she'll never see it coming!!

Anywho new song dropping tomorrow "16-Bit Romance" (yeah yeah I know its cliche) produced by LRello who has disappeared off the face of YouTube 0_0.

But god speed u losers enjoy your day.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Long Over Do!

This should of been the first place I posted my tape! lol Here it is B.F.S Vol.1: Smooth Geek. Vol/2 in the works!

Sneaker Haven, Sick Addiction #1

I think I'm goin over the top with sneakers like really lol I guess I'm so use to not having anything wen I get something I go over bored. But this is one habit I love lol sick addiction

Mike FLY- Im On

Mike FLY- Im On.mp3 - Hulk Share - Music Distribution Platform

My first track of the new year from my upcoming mini project "The Layover"


I'm back at It!

Its been soo long since I posted on my blog but I plan on getting back on it "No Days off" as Wale would say. I've been working on alot of new materia (FF7 reference) and Im sure you guys are gonna enjoy it.

Mike FLY signing out